Thursday, February 23, 2012

Logan's Run: Should the state be the parents?

Several dystopian novels and films such as Brave New World and Logan's Run to name a few portray futures, either strange or apocalyptic, where the state raises children and parents have no connection with their offspring.  Consider the book written by Hillary Clinton "It takes a village."  What Hillary and feminists really mean is that the village should just write welfare checks to mothers.  But taken to it's logical extreme, or even conclusion, won't this ultimately mean that the state will raise the children?

I'm here to propose that maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.  Lots of parents stink.  Some of them criminally.  Why should the state wait to rescue them?  Let's compare parenting to the homeschool debate.  Homeschoolers are made fun of because they're taught by amateurs (giggle!)  You know, religious losers who don't want their children learning about evolution and haven't graduated college (even if they're teaching 3rd grade math to their kids.)  They don't get to socialize as much.  Indeed, imagine if the state raised kids less like an orphanage but more like a Harry Potter style boarding school with horsies and fancy eating halls.  I have a friend whose mother sent him to one and he loved it.  He loved his parents but he didn't have a problem being away from them for a year at a time.

In addition, consider this endearing feminist paradigm taken to it's logical extreme: If men are disposable and you only need their money for taxes or support, why not do the same to a woman?  If primary parenting is about feeding and clothing children and cashing checks, why is a daycare worker less of a "primary" parent than a career woman who orders nannies around? 

How long would the middle and upper classes put up with paying more to send their kids to the same place as poor children?  The promise of the public school system was it existed to guarantee poor children an equal right to the same education as a wealthy child.  How has that worked out?  In the end, ALL parents of record would have to pay "child" support to Hogwarts so women who got a sperm donor would be footing the bills all on their own and, in addition, the Octomom loophole where welfare mothers get paid to look after their own kids would be shut.  Poor women would be in the same boat as poor men where they would face working long hours to pay for children they aren't allowed to see.   In addition, this would also close the loophole for illegal aliens who have anchor babies.  

So with all that said, was the old system of a father being financially responsible for supporting a woman in a two parent family and sharing authority for raising their children so oppressive?
[watching Logan's son, Logan 6, in the nursery]
Francis 7: Do you know who his seed mother was?
Logan: Of course not! I'm curious, not sick!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is hell freezing over? I'm wondering if socialism isn't all that bad!

For people who know me, to say socialism may not be all that bad is shocking.  One of the things I pride myself upon is that my views have changed or evolved over the years because I truly try to serve truth or, more accurately, a truthful understanding of my motivations and the best way to service them.  I won't want to be a fool spending his life rationalizing and being driven by beliefs rather than the beliefs serving as a template for my goals. 

Here's my reason for taking a skiing trip to hell: based upon demographics, the corruption of crony capitalism and socialism hopping into bed with large corporations and wall street, it's clear that the left is going to win the political battle for supremacy.  Kruschev told Kennedy that his children would live under communism and Kennedy, being a conservative Democrat elected 20 years after FDR, shouldn't have been surprised.

Policies in democratic nations meant the left embraced feminism and man bashing in order to drive more female voters to them and build up a minority coalition to an unbeatable majority.   That's strange even as I say it, but the whole leftist agenda is one of corrupt politicians claiming that absolute power will make them create a future Sweden even as they run things like Detroit and Chicago.  I don't want to criticize the left to distract from my main point though: like it or not, they will eventually win.

And winning, there will be a one party system which shant last long because there is a "third", for now, "green" party that has a platform that is little different than mainstream Democrat party.  A third party with a similar agenda, even with no "second" party, would find it hopeless to win elections when the well entrenched and funded incumbents could easily discredit their candidates and attract away any corporate or union slush funds.

So, in the post Capitalist USA, a dead Republican party (it will still be around) and a third party upstart would have to consider getting a new demographic and maybe slaughtering some sacred cows.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

While there aren't so many heterosexual white males left in the states anymore as FDR's time, there are still enough to be a force to be reckoned with.  There are certainly more of them than women who vote feminist.  (Most women voters in the Democrat party, and most Democrat voters in fact, vote Democrat for racist entitlements, welfare, or government union benefits.)   It's all a numbers game.  The Democrat party would NEVER try to win over white male votes (it would jeopardize their primary electorate) but a so-called third party of broke Trotskites hanging out with Nerdy Ralph Nader might just propose the unthinkable: Men, and (heterosexual) white men, might not be so bad after all! 

If we can see the future, perhaps it's a good time to consider to make the most of the opportunities it will afford us.  How long before the Republican party collapses combined with the collapse of the crony capitalist economy?  A lot of changes will occur in that time. 

I'm going to read Mark Steyn's book "After America" and see if he sees this coming (I doubt he does but if I'm wrong about him, I'll see it in his book!)

The Future is Now! (At least the dystopian one!)

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